
Trpplrs are sending ripples of poetry through the world, to make it more fun.

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Yo, yo!Immersed in Farcaster culture, I found a poem, yo!Feb 07, 2025
Jantje pointsA iconic statue inspired by a song inspired a poem. You can mint it here.Jan 12, 2025
Confused elderA new poem for a new year.Jan 10, 2025
A light at the endThe light at the end of the tunnel... There is a bright light At the end of the tunnel But which kind is it?Oct 18, 2024
Sea-groundedA haiku celebrating grounding in the surf. My feet in the sand the water is cold as it rolls over my toes.Oct 18, 2024
Villa Canvas by arjantupanThe Villa Sapène was built in a moment in history marked by war. At one point it was requisitioned by German occupiers and turned into a brothel. Now it sits ruined in a forrested area, where hikers can find it and enjoy the art made by artists that now see the ruins of this villa as their canvas. Villa Canvas This house built in an age of darkness, home to lust, rather forgotten, now is a canvas.Oct 10, 2024
What's a tritriplicata?The tritriplicata poetic form explained in a tritriplicata and some specs. A poem with five lines. Each line has limited syllables: three, six, nine then six and three again. Now, try it!Sep 27, 2024
What's a highku?The highku poetic form explained with a highku and some specs. What's a highku When haiku meet higher spirit: decentralised poetry that reflect on becoming a better you. Highku specs: Name: highku Type: syllabic Count: 26 syllables Format: 6 lines of 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 and 6 syllables.Sep 22, 2024
What's a cinquainA cinquain is a five-line poem. In modern interpretation, it has 2 syllables in the first line, 4 in the second, then 6, then 8 and 2 in the last line. In poem form: Five lines and the two-times table up to 4 times and then back to two. That is all. Try it!Sep 22, 2024
Driving northStaring at the clouds in the autumn evening sky during drive north that we do often, I found this poem. clouds in the autumn evening sky bring fresh viewsSep 13, 2024
|| fake smiles || - | wordstobepoetry ||| fake smiles || was created during Raye's performance at the Montreux Jazz Festival 2024. This poem is part of vol.3 of | wordstobemusic | — the 1st NFT music magazine to rethink how we {re}discover music. By collecting || fake smiles || or an edition of | wordstobemusic |, you'll join a bigger adventure! Part of | wordstobepoetry | upcoming novel, | wordstobemusic | volumes are a cornerstone of its storyline—but how? Books in the book, hints in the hint, a key, a weapon, or maybe a cure living inbetween its chapters' lines? Who knows... A project built on web3 to follow in my newsletter {}Sep 08, 2024
Flat tireAn outing to the bike park inspired this poem. I made that jump, it was so cool, even that bump when my tire blew. With the bike upside-down, we fix the leak.Sep 06, 2024
Fireweed hazeA poem inspired by mountainous beauty and fernweh. An abundance of fireweed paints the mountainside a purple haze - it tells me I am where I want to be.Sep 05, 2024
Leontopodium nivaleLeontopodium nivale EdelweissAug 17, 2024
Cloud armadaArmada of cloudships, where are you headed? Will you bring showers of hope and dreams to those who need that the most? A tritriplicata poem inspired by clouds above a roadtripAug 17, 2024
somersaultsa word-unit palindrome poem and silly photograph celebrating play. artist: gomp_art year taken & written: 2016/2024 location: san francisco/massachusetts, usa ⓒ gomp_art 2024 License: This license is for personal use only. The non-commercial use of the NFT is free to display on personal devices, including virtual galleries or social media platforms, with credit to the artist. No rights are included for commercial use including merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Full copyright remains with the creator. Aug 09, 2024
Wen lowYo Anon. When coins come crashing down, read this poem. Then step away from your screens and enjoy life. Another chance tomorrow. When coins go down breathe and touch grass maybe buy low 'cause tomorrow you will see number will go up gain.Aug 05, 2024
Mountain of hopeA day on the beach. I built a monument and found a poem in it. I carried these rocks and arranged them into this mountain of hope: a message for a better tomorrow.Aug 01, 2024
Lost doveA dove was lost under the retractable roof of the tennis stadium. The crowd watched it and I found this poem: Then the crowd cheers. Not for a won point or rallye, or game or match; but for the dove that got lost at the Games.Jul 28, 2024
Fight wellKick off at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. And a poem to celebrate the Olympic spirit. Remember what Baron Pierre de Cubertin said: the important thing is not to win, but have fought well. The highest stage, the game for gold pressure rises, time to be bold. "Fighting well the tradition to uphold.Jul 26, 2024
Beach sunsetThe sun lowers itself into the sea as I stand there watching, taking in the healing beach vibes with you. A poem inspired by a sunset on the beach. The beach is a happy place for me. Feet in the sand and sea, eyes on the horizon, wind in my face and positive vibes flow into me, occupying every nook inside of me they can find. Hope this poems brings you a bit of that.Jul 18, 2024
My shoes touch grassTouching grass this onchain summer. And asphalt and gravel. A poem inspired by higher, onchain summer and running in the park. My shoes touch grass And asphalt and Gravel as I Run one more K In the park. Fitter body,.fitter mindJul 11, 2024
Higher energyIntroducing a new poetic form: the highku. A syllabic from, consisting of 6 lines of 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 and 7 syllables, inspired by the higher movement on Farcaster. Be better than you have ever been before, by putting in the energy and always aiming higher.Jun 19, 2024
Food chainA special edition of the poem of the week. Available for minting 1 month only, airdropped to Tripplr Hypersub subscribers. I just hope the bumble bee being eaten by the dragonfly has first pollinated plants in our garden.Jun 14, 2024
Poet higherI ran on a sunny day and poeted this poem: Warm sun cooks my brain on today's run, but I do what I set out to do: live higher and poet this poem.Jun 08, 2024
Playground KingIn this poetry prompt, we have a closer look at the animals around us. What's your favourite animal? And what is s/he thinking? Enjoy this prompt. And share your results. Find me on Farcaster. arjantupan.xyzJun 01, 2024
The drizzleA poem inspired by a dogwalk in the park on a rainy day. The drizzle makes that we're almost alone in the park. This poem is airdropped to Trpplr subscribers. 50 % of earnings go to the trpplffct poetry fund.May 28, 2024
Gentle GiantMy favourite mountain. When you're in the French part of the Alps, she's omnipresent. What's your favourite mountain? Majestic Mont Blanc The giant, gently ever-present. Challenging, inspiring, attracting like only this snow capped mountain does.May 23, 2024
Lake bouquet - Trpplr editionA special edition of the Weekly Poetry Shot poem, airdropped to Trpplr susbscribers, available for minting for 1 month to others. Algae and a hint of fresh fish, then a distant note of alpine herbs and molten snow: that's the scent of Léman.May 17, 2024
Mountain peaceWe hiked up a mountain where I found this haiku. Surrounded by croci we touched snow.May 13, 2024
Classic MemoryA memory inspired by classic cars, not long before I learned that one half of the couple that were my first employers is no longer with us. Classic cars surround us on the road, adorned with Tulip Rallye stickers. Will my first bosses be among them?Jun 29, 2024