
Join SdVVV Loyalty Group and participate in the most interesting experiment in the intersection of performing arts, visual arts and VVVeb3. As a subscriber you'll get limited drops; invitations, art, discounts and physical gifts created by SdVVVorks in collaboration with several artists, musicians and designers. Get a subscription and then head over to sdvvvorks.io and create a profile to receive a personal dynamic membership NFT. Be active in the community, complete bounties, participate in weekly polls and buy artful releases to get points and contribute to the common fund. VVVhen the threshold is reached new live art happenings will take place. Right now subscriptions are for a tier 2 membership. As soon as Hypersub V2 is released we will activate the rest of the tiers. VVVebsite: sdvvvorks.io VVVhatever VVVorks: Newsletter Podcast Live Stream Community: Warpcast Group Chat Token gated Telegram Farcaster X Instagram --- Memberships Tier 1 2+ exclusive VVVhatever VVVorks episodes per month Ticket discount to all live events 1 NFT drop / month 5,000 points / month Tier 2 4+ exclusive VVVhatever VVVorks episodes per month Ticket to all live events 1 amazing physical gift / year 1 NFT drop / month Surprise special edt NFT drops 10,000 points / month Tier 3 4+ exclusive VVVhatever VVVorks episodes per month VVVIP-tickets to all live events 2 amazing physical gifts / year VVV Reading Club 1 NFT drop / month Surprise special edt NFT drops 25,000 points / month Tier 4 Limited Edition Mecenat Membership Card 4+ exclusive VVVhatever VVVorks episodes per month VVVIP-ticket + guest to all live events 4 amazing gifts / year VVV Reading Club 1 NFT drop / month Surprise special edt NFT drops Annual SDVVV Stockholm Dinner Party incl trip SDVVV Senior AdVVVisory Group Membership 100,000 points / month --- Purpo$e BelieVVVe in Art. VVVision ReVVVealing the purpo$e of performing arts. Mission Enabling an exclusive devoted group of people enjoying the unknoVVVn. About In 2024, with a foundation firmly rooted in the performing arts and informed by over two decades of experience, we founded SdVVVorks. Motivated by a vision to reVVVeal the purpo$e of performing arts, we bring together a curious and devoted group of people to enjoy a VVVeird journey where web3 meet performing arts. Artists are losing their connection with their audience, their funding, curiosity and relevance. Internet is broken and the social is captivated by anti-art algorithms. Our mission is about crafting a unique ecosystem VVVhere artistic purpo$e circulate and infiltrate every interaction.
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