Scribbles From A Life Unscripted

How often do you get the chance to be part of an author’s creative process? For years, people have encouraged me to write a book and share my stories, and now I’ve finally found the perfect way to do it. Thanks to Hypersub, I’m excited to bring you along on this journey with a subscription model that lets you experience my life stories as I write them.

Think wild adventures, soul-searching detours, and some seriously unexpected twists. This book dives into the real, raw journey of a solo mom, artist, and resilient soul navigating life’s highs, lows, and even a few cults along the way. From life in temples to museum exhibitions, these stories are as colorful as the art I create. Trust me—you’re in for a ride!

As a subscriber, you’ll receive chapters as they’re written, with each story accompanied by a unique artwork airdropped directly to you. I commit to AT LEAST one chapter a month. Depending on the amount of subscribers, I could deliver up to 4 per month.

I’m writing each chapter as memories come to me, so the stories won’t follow a strict timeline. But every piece will fit seamlessly into the larger picture of my life’s journey.

Given the intense situations I’ve been through, I’ll be changing names and certain details to avoid any legal complications, but every story will be rooted in my real experiences.

And if you’ve read anything I’ve written before, you know I bring a pinch of humor—even to the darkest moments. Life’s tough enough, so I want this journey to be both meaningful and entertaining.

The Professor - IllustrationIllustration for the chapter The Professor | Manifold GalleryNov 21, 2024
The Professor V2Chapter 2, second version with more elaborated style.Nov 21, 2024
Two Lines V2Chapter 1, second version with more elaborated style.Nov 12, 2024
The Professor - DraftThe first draft for the Chapter "The Professor"Nov 11, 2024
Two Lines - IllustrationIllustration for the chapter Two LinesNov 11, 2024
Two Lines - V1The first draft for the Chapter "Two Lines"Nov 06, 2024