

Recalibrating & Worldbuilding Paragraph

New subscribers: please refer to the Onboarding Documentation for access to group chat and more information ✨

/cal channel on Farcaster

Recalibrating Substack

My website


The core ethos (philosophy) of Recalibrating is that everything in life is in constant flux, making our ability to deal with change the greatest skill we can foster.

Accordingly, my plan with the Recalibrating Hypersub is to start small & sustainable and build more as I go.

In other words, the perks will change as I grow and experiment, Recalibrating along the way 🧭✨

About Me

Hi! My name is Callum, aka wanderloots.eth

I am a photographer, animator, videographer, IP lawyer, and patent agent. I quit my job 12 months ago to pursue creativity full time through writing and art.

Membership Perks

To start, here are some base perks of being a member:

  • Monthly Art Drop on Zora or equivalent (Photography based)

  • Token-gated group chat on Farcaster (via Warpcast)

  • Access to token-gated Paragraph content

  • Airdropped Pods tokens from the Recalibrating Podcast

Token-Gated Content

Both the Paragraph token-gated content and group chat on Farcaster will be a place for direct communication with me and others in the community.

Over the last 12 months, I have been working to build a sustainable creation system ✨

This system leverages modern tools (blockchain, smart contracts, AI, note-taking software) to increase productivity, efficiency, and monetization, while maintaining mental health of the creators, builders, and collectors in this space.

The goal with the token-gated content is to increase the value of my writing and content so that you are the first to hear about my new ideas, plans, and opportunities.

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