Pkok Art
There's an art revolution underway in web3 & a great opportunity to be a patron and collector. And we bring curated art straight to your wallet, weekly.
Discovering art, closely following artists and happenings across different chains and ecosystems is time consuming and requires time and a deep understanding of the digital art market. We do the heavy lifting for you.
Working with leading creators, curators and tastemakers, we bring you 20 curated artworks, straight to your wallet for 0.01e/mo in 5 thematically curated artworks airdropped every week).
Digital art is at its infancy and some of the best artists of our generation are bring their art on-chain. It's a great opportunity to be a patron and support the journeys of artists from around the world who've converged here at a momentous time in the history of the arts.
We're on a mission to create everybody an art collection to treasure & flex, and creating connections and long lasting bonds between people along the way.
You can be a passive witness to this movement or you can be a part of it. Let us build you a digital art collection.