Alien Collective

Mint the Alien Collective NFTs relative to the number of months for which you wish to become a patron.

If you're an subscriber please check out the onboarding doc for access to the group chat, Telegram and more.

Why You Should Subscribe: In the words of a friend of mine, subscribing enables me to "be cool and do cool shit." I will work hard to reward patrons with a number of perks. Check out each tier for specific perks; some highlights are:

  • Early subscriber rewards are set at 10% of all revenue from Fabric.
  • 10% of merch store.
  • Private in-person happy hours or dinners in San Francisco or whatever city I may be in.
  • Q&A/Office Hours: For as long as a patron is active, they will have direct line of communication with me, allowing them to send in questions and comments which I will try to incorporate into future content.

Future State:

  • 1 on 1 Community Member Matching (Unlocked at 50%)
  • Invitation to Alien Capital
Total membership rewards0