Expanded Universes

I’m Luciana, visual artist from Argentina with more than 20 years of experience in the artistic world. I create abstract and surreal art on different media: physical drawings, paintings and monotypes. I also create digital art, VR art and animations.

Monthly Airdrops:

I will send  2 exclusive artworks (editions) to each subscriber per month. (Edition size may fluctuate depending on the number of subscribers.)


I will raffle a 1/1 every 2 months. Could be a painting, drawing or GLB file.

Biannual Physical Art raffle

Every 6 months I will raffle a physical 1/1.  Physical painting, drawing or monotype (without frame, shipping included)


  • Subscribers will be part out a private chat on Warpcast
  • Subscribers will be whitelisted in all my upcoming drops and upcoming projects
  • Subscribers will receive special airdrops from time to time (art minted on Objkt, Zeroone, Manifold, Zora)
  • Subscribers will also be members of my Warpcast channel and participate of all the benefits
  • Suscribers will have access to my chat group on Warpcast.

If you want to know me better follow me here:


Warpcast account:

Warpcast channel: https://warpcast.com/\\\~/channel/lucianaguerraok



Marketplaces: https://linktr.ee/lucianaguerraok

Total membership rewards0