Artist Spotlight
"Art is very contextual business" and artists are usually not great at talking about themselves and their art without prompting 😉 WE HELP THEM TALK!
The "ARTIST SPOTLIGHT" sessions are place where we audio chat with individual artists about their journey to art and onchain and then we follow it up with a video walkthrough of their selected art works and talk about stories and inspirations behind the art.
If you love art, want to get all audio & video sessions airdropped to your wallet and most importantly you want to support what we're doing with artists, join us!
- Every Artist Spotlight session onchain airdropped
- Network with like artists and other art fans
- Become part of the artists support community
- If you're looking for an authentic and genuine place to learn how to grow and build your art presence on Farcaster, you've found it.
Everyone who subscribes for 6+ months will receive the past (first) 10 artists talks and videos airdropped.