Terminally Onchain

Terminally Onchain by YB

On this page you can buy a subscription to join the token gated community (0.0042 eth / month).

This gets you access to perks, collabs, group chat, & newsletter sponsorships.


  1. If you're a paid subscriber, please check out the token gated onboarding doc for access to the group chat, community rolodex, and sponsorship request form.

  2. Here's an ongoing list of perks & raffles paid subscribers have received so far.

  3. Terminally Onchain Newsletter free for anyone to read

  4. Join the Terminally Onchain Farcaster Channel here

  5. If you're a founder or creator and want to partner with Terminally Onchain, check out the Dune Dashboard to learn more about the paid community.


We're in the first mile of onchain marketing.

Onchain creator tooling is rapidly improving, but we still need to develop new playbooks for crypto native growth and distribution.

Right now, the path ahead is not crystal clear but eventually "these gaps will seem obvious; it will seem inexplicable that no one has tried x or wondered about y" (Paul Graham).


Think of Terminally Onchain token gated group as a "ClassPass for OP Stack".

I will be working with creators & founders to bring all of you first access to drops, discounted mints, announcements, and fun airdrops.

My mission is to make this community a group of the most active collectors and contributors in the ecosystem.

The goal is for Terminally Onchain to be a no brainer launchpad for creators & founders in the space.


  1. Once a month, if you have a link to share for your brand/product/company, I will include it in my newsletter. This can be an announcement, request for feedback, a new project, hiring request, etc.

    Onchain Letters currently has 5000+ subscribers and 90% of them have their wallets connected. The average subscriber makes ~3 transactions every 24 hours.

    Note: I have the right to reject if I think the link is spammy or malicious.

  2. At least 3 perks / month: discounts, early access, etc. for Terminally Onchain subscribers.

So far Terminally Onchain has done perks with BasePaint, Swatches by jvmi, Neynar, and Miguelgarest animations.

Learn more here

TOC Game: BeOnchain Season 1An "Onchain BeReal "game by the Terminally Onchain community (terminallyonchain.xyz). Highlighting daily artists in the mint of the day for players to grow their mint streaks and earn Higher tokens. Notifications are sent out anytime from 9 am - 6 pm PST. Players have 1 hour to mint!May 24, 2024
The Glyph Hypersub Gift@4484 is gifting 3 Terminally Onchain subscribers a free two weeks (0.04 eth) to his new Hypersub. The Glyph is an onchain sleuthing & insights service. It’s great for anyone interested in delving into the onchain interactions for a group of wallets addresses or contracts. If you have a product, community, etc. that you'd like to learn deeper onchain insights about, please fill the form out. Sign up here to get access: tinyurl.com/tocglyphMay 13, 2024
Roam TestFlight Access@xenbh.eth is giving 50 Terminally Onchain subscribers first access to his new app Roam (first come first serve). Roam is a new social onchain browser. Everyone in this early cohort will receive a free OG NFT. Sign up here to get access: tinyurl.com/tocroamMay 13, 2024
Farcon IRL HangTerminally Onchain (TOC) at Farcon! If you're a member of the TOC community, come grab some pizza & drinks on Friday afternoon! We'll be on Venice Beach which is a 5 min walk from the main venue. Exact location will be sent in the TOC chat closer to the event. Even if you can't make it the whole time, feel free to drop by, say hi, and grab a slice of pizza :) Sign up at: https://events.xyz/81a7371cApr 24, 2024
Swatches Free Mint Pass@jvmi is launching his new NFT project Swatches. He's a huge fan of the Terminally Onchain subscribers so he decided to give 50 free mint passes for the community! The wallets were randomly drawn and you can check to see if you secured a spot here: https://warpcast.com/yb/0x5d6b5660Apr 10, 2024
BasePaint #230: SuperchainTerminally Onchain partnered with BasePaint! The first 25 subscribers to the hypersub were airdropped day #230 “Superchain”, there were 500+ pixel artists who contributed to that piece 🔥 Thanks to the Zach Herring and the BasePaint team for partnering.Apr 04, 2024
Miguelgarest AnimationsA collab with Miguelgarest, an active animator in the Farcaster ecosystem. He made an animation for Terminally Onchain and airdropped it to all the hypersubscribers. Aside from the airdrop, the community helped drive traffic to his NFT leading to an additional 177 mints.Mar 27, 2024
Public read-Private write Neynar AMAExperimenting with a token gated AMA on Farcaster - thanks to the Neynar team for joining us! They've also agreed to give 10 terminally onchain subscribers 2 months of free API access.Mar 22, 2024
gm Terminally OnchainFirst mint for the terminally onchain community! Think of Terminally Onchain as a "ClassPass for OP Stack". This community is writing the playbook for crypto native growth and onchain distribution.Mar 20, 2024