Transformational Mindfulness - Tier 2: Lotus Bloom0.012 ETH per mo
Transformational Mindfulness - Tier 2: Lotus Bloom0.012 ETH per mo
Greetings and blessings. I am Jahmaal, an artist, entrepreneur, and educator. Health is a big part of my life. I realized at an early age that you can't have true wealth without your health. I'm here to accelerate the paradigm shift in consciousness around topics of health, wealth, and happiness.
This also serves as a test to see how much I can share on chain - which would ideally be 100% of my personal brand and business. Let's test the limits of what we can really do with web3!
The Art
The cover art is a stylized version of the original backdrop for the cover of my book, Transformational Mindfulness.
The full cover will be released as an NFT.
What You Get:
Exclusive access to content on mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and self mastery.
- Health/Life Coaching Newsletters
- Crypto and Business Insights
- Motivation and Mindful updates for health, wealth, and happiness!
- Access to private group chat for other masters of the universe (Work in progress).
- Discount on merch and services (Work in progress).
Where Can You Find Me?
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