speakingtomato universe0.0042 ETH per mo
Subscription contract
Transferrable token
Referral fee
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Protocol fee
Creator share
STP version
speakingtomato universe0.0042 ETH per mo

Greetings art lovers! My name is Olena Speakingtomato, and I'm a Ukrainian artist living in Turkey. My artistic evolution seamlessly blends tradition and innovation, drawing inspiration from diverse movements. With a 15-year background in camera portraits and Adobe Photoshop, a transformative exploration of AI in 2022 reshaped my creative process. In the digital age, I have actively embraced the potential of AI, utilizing it as a primary tool in my creative toolkit. This shift has enabled me to explore new dimensions of artistic expression, transcending boundaries. Art comes from my imagination is filled with meaningful details. My work, spanning various mediums like photographic manipulation, digital painting, and AI, exemplifies that creativity knows no bounds within traditional mediums.

For this time, my art pieces were shown in a few group exhibitions at London NFT Week, Miami Art Basel, Milan, Paris, LA, NY, Rome, Bali, Brazil, Romania, etc. I try to support other artists. Over 200 blockchain-stored collected by me artworks and involvement in collectives like MAIF, TEZ Girls, and EW collectives demonstrate my dedication to artistic collaboration.

Ok guys enough I JUST LOVE ART 😆 ✌🏻

Subscriber Editions

Speakingtomato universe subscribers are sporadic (about once a week) and will be airdropped with a limited edition artwork. Edition size will fluctuate based on subscriber count. The next drop is in the middle of September!


Approximately once a month, one subscriber will be randomly chosen to receive a 1/1 artwork


Pick an art style/theme for the next airdrop!


💌Subscriber-only group warpcast chat💬

Connect? ✍️lynkfire🔗

additional perks may be added in the future as development progresses

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