herocast hyper club

herocast is Farcaster’s leading open-source client. Our goal is to decentralize power on the internet, faster. Join herocast's hyperclub hypersub Joining our hyperclub is the best way to support herocast's early development. If you opt-in for three months or more you will be the first to access premium features for free and receive our special Early Support Crew Collectible.
herocast hyper club
0.01 ETH / mo

<spanherocast is the all-in-one Farcaster client for pros and teams.</span

<spanCo-created with web3’s leading brands. Open-source because we love it. </span

Join herocast's hyperclub hypersub

Joining our hyperclub is the best way to support development of herocast.

<spanPro features include</span

  • <spanCustom feeds Farcaster feeds, channel feeds, keyword feeds</span

  • <spanKeyword monitoring & email alerts</span

  • <spanScheduling of casts</span

  • <spanGrowth analytics</span

  • <spanUser insights</span

  • <spanManage multiple accounts</span

  • <spanShare accounts with your team members</span