Frog Supporter
Most of OSS is licensed with MIT, which provides software "AS IS". Frog is not an exception.
As of now I'm standing as the active collaborator of Frog.
I used to help out folks on Discord over the period of the last half a year, but recently got really busy building my startup called "Beliefs".
While I cannot afford helping out folks in Discord server, I still resolve issues that are listed in GitHub Issues and have minimal reproducible examples. You can read here why they are important.
What comes within the offer
Option A: Technical Assistance
For some folks, creating a minimal reproduction is an issue, as it might be tightly coupled with the business logic of the application, or ones might simply not have time for that.
To still help the community whilst keeping my time valuable for me, I offer custom assistance through HyperSub.
This includes diving deeper into your specific setup and resolving issues with frames, either by looking at the source code by myself or with you in a video call. This also includes me spending at least 1 hour on your problem.
This does not include developing features for your project though, only issues that you hit.
I guarantee not to share/collect any of your code.
Option B: Support of the development
In case you're here just to support the project, 100% of the funds will be allocated to be used as bounties to write docs, guides, helpful content or to fund more contributors that could help with resolving issues faster.
or sponsor through github and choose drips as a subscription option